It's colder than cold and tonight it will be even colder than this cold. Not quite a polar vortex, but it definitely feels like we're in for a period of typical Wisconsin winter days. But is that a bad thing? For people who like deep winter over dreary drippy November, or the excessive heat in late August, a little bit of cold feels mighty fine, especially when accompanied by sunshine. And we do wake up to brilliant sunshine.

Our days have a rhythm to them and it is both gentle and sweet. We wait, of course, to rejoin the world some day, but right now there's not much of a world to rejoin, so waiting feels almost communal. Who right now isn't waiting for a better world out there? (Actually, I'm not sure Ed is waiting. Zoom was invented with him in mind.)

In the summer, I love the feel of the sun on my face, but I also love the winter cold on my cheeks. The bite of the wind? So long as the rest of me is warm, I think it's so exhilarating to be slapped around by a winter wind. It's like a spa treatment, no? You emerge feeling strong and powerful! And very pink in the face.

I heard from my kids, but not my grandkids today. But Ed got a call. From Snowdrop. She wanted to discuss climate change with him. I think they are on the same page about it.
Dance visits. She is learning to write.

Ed and I go skiing and it is nothing short of fabulous. The snow, the sun, the shadows it casts in the forest -- that's real beauty for you.

We ski out onto Lake Waubesa. I will never feel 100% safe out on a frozen lake, but honestly -- if not today, then when? It's so cold outside! Of course it's frozen!
A shadow selfie, on the lake.

The full moon comes up tomorrow, but I swear, the face of today's moon is good enough!

We end with a frittata. A supper that I so much associate with winter. Except when it's summer.
I hope the moon's bright face shines down on you tonight, tomorrow, and many days thereafter.
With love.
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