So let's get organized! Laundry done, suitcase out. Nothing in it yet, but we'll get to that. Chicago baby still hanging in there, squashing mommy's belly, giving me time to attend to things here.
What else? Christmas wrapping? Later. I'll get to it later.
How about Ed's top choice: clearing out "clutter."
I can't believe I am actually giving in to this crazy obsession of Ed's to empty out all living spaces around him, but I figure it's for the good of the earth and humanity, so I indulge him and we begin the (odious, according to me) task of either selling or Goodwilling stuff that hasn't been in use for the last handful of years. Sentimental value? What's that? We're dealing with purity of space and mind here. Stuff has little value, right? (I am a little forcing myself to believe this, but it is true that, in theory at least, I will always opt for minimalist over cluttered.)
But breakfast comes first.

And a walk over a windy and frozen outdoor land.

Evening: all right, we Craigslisted a half a dozen items (toys, camera, millions of CDs -- that kind of stuff), and packed into the trunk of Ed's car miscellaneous dust collecting stuff for Goodwill. But guess what I'm not giving away? The mug, the tea towel and the Christmas tree! Mine, forever!

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