The calm before the storm. Ha! Be careful what you wish for -- we may get walloped by snow twice over this week! If there is one time I do not want a snow event it's this week, toward the end of it, when I'm supposed to be traveling. Ah, January. It's never boring, although some would argue that it's awfully long. Indeed, I keep thinking we're halfway through it and we're still on the first week.
So we wait for see what happens next. Blizzard? School closures? Or, as sometimes happens, will it all blow over and fizzle to a few flakes? In the meantime, there is that stillness that so often preceded big weather events.
(red combs on hens, red chair)

Ed is late for breakfast. Meaning, all is ready and then he gets a phone call. The cat and I are patient, but only so much. The coffee has to be hot or else the hygge elements are lost. (What we play to keep ourselves happy in the winter!)

Okay, we're all at the table now and the subject of discussion is cats. There was a brawl outside and the newest interloper here -- Pancake -- got beaten up by one of the pack from the shed. At least this is Ed's reconstruction of events that took place outside at 4 a.m. It was loud enough that he went to investigate. His presence broke things up quickly enough, but we can tell that Pancake is scuffed up a bit. We're hoping that the territorial order is set for a while. I truly dislike these animals squabbles even as I understand that this is how they sort things out among themselves.
Unexpectedly, I have a free day today as the young family is otherwise occupied tonight. This is on balance good: I have much to take care of at home and, too, Ed coaxes us out for a walk in the afternoon -- so needed after all that couch sitting! Everything about our walks is always grand... Even the views from the car coming and going.

And still, I keep checking the weather. Storm number one -- Tuesday. Storm number two -- maybe Friday. Oh, the excitement of this season!
What we need (for supper) is a big pot of hot soup. I'm on it!
with love.
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