It rained, it stormed, I slept anyway.
You probably think I'm incapable of having a slow moving day, that something within me -- a restless gene maybe, an surplus of adrenaline, pushes me to weird and unnecessary excesses each and every day. Today will prove you wrong!
My morning walk is damp, smelling of wet leaves and muddied pathways. The bucket shows more than an inch of rainwater. Nice!
(last of the lilies)

("why is it so wet out here?")

And then what do I do? I pour myself a bowl of granola, and make that steamy milky coffee that I love, and I get working on a jigsaw puzzle.
There was a moment when my doing a jigsaw puzzle drove Ed nuts, because I'd spread it out over the table for days on end. It was during the Christmas season and there was the usual stuff that accompanies that holiday, all strewn around the house. The tree, the unopened Amazon boxes, all of it. The puzzle (a holiday one no less) was the last straw. He said something to the effect of "let me know when you're done with all this" and retreated to the sheep shed to stew.
Since that time, he has relaxed somewhat about the holidays. And I know to keep things in another room so there aren't piles right under his nose. And, too, not to start in on jigsaw puzzles at this time of the year. But, he has been away for the weekend and so I had opened up a puzzle, and of course, because I killed myself doing farmette chores yesterday, I did not get beyond the construction of the perimeter. And then Ed calls late last night and tells me -- guess what, I'm coming home around noon tomorrow. And so I forget about everything else and sit down to do the puzzle.

The cat is not helping. At all.
As Ed comes in, I'm about half done, but it's only a 500 piece one and so I tell him -- I promise to have it done and out of here by evening.
He grins and dives right in to help, only to admonish me -- hey, you're cheating!
How so??
You're looking at the picture!
Is this not allowed?
You bet it's not!
We get it done by 2. It would have been earlier, had I not felt compelled to put down the image and work without that "insider information."
From that point onward? Couch time all the way! I have now ten books queued up for reading (I went on a kindle binge) and I am so in love with the idea of an autumn with books that it will be hard to get me to do much of anything else. Perhaps I exaggerate, but not by much.
In the evening we watch a sailing movie. He talked me into it. Sailing, albeit of the armchair kind at the moment, is very much on his mind. What can I say, we love our everyday life here, at the farmette, but our ideas of what makes for a good vacation? Could not be more different. You know how the country is thought to be divided right now? Well, that division is nothing compared to the travel chasm between the two of us. I love that guy, but as far as trip ideas go -- he thinks mine are excruciatingly boring and I think his are nuts, especially for me, at my age, and with my sensibilities. Wildly different!
Still, it's so very nice to have him home again.
with so much love...
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