I took on tidying up that side-of-the-driveway flower bed and I aim to finish it! It's a must do. By the time the bulbs arrive, I want spaces cleared, beds ready. Well, maybe that's a bit ambitious. But that's the target for the next few good weather days.
But first, morning animal chores and a walk through a very autumnal garden.

And then a delightful pause once more for breakfast with my friend. Over at Lakeside Cafe, where the bakery treats are very low key, almost nonexistent, but the atmosphere is so very pleasant.

(It's hard to find a place that has all three going for it: ambiance, good baked goods, good coffee. Once things move indoors, the space and oftentimes the noise level become an issue. Ah well. We go for ambiance today!)
And now comes my intensive gardening work, all to the sound of chain saws working away. The tree cutters are doing their roadside once-every-handful-of-years maintenance, trimming trees that grow close to the electrical wires. Ed hates this butchering of his beloved trees and hides under a quilt inside all day. Me, I'm glad for the sunlight that will get through the dense foliage of some of our tree canopy. The trees will survive this surgical necessity. And anything that grows at their base will thrive. Win win, in my opinion.
(Well, two trees were completely taken down. So, more sun light on this bed, but the sight of piled up logs makes for a very unhappy Ed!)

Okay, the flower field by the driveway is cleaned up and chipped, ready for the bulb influx. Drab and dreary now, but I'm hoping for color come spring and summer!

And this is how it gets to be time to pick up the kids. Well, once again just one kid. This one.
(The other has an appointment.) She brings home a password handed to the kids in school for a computer game (because what we really want for our kids is more screen time!). Ed helps her set it up. Fine, a few minutes wont hurt and she is so happy with it!
Too, we finish a book, which feels deeply satisfying: there's so much good stuff out there to read together and each time we find a gem it stays with you, in much the same way that some adult books stay with you for a long long time (while others are instantly forgettable, so that when I come across them in my Kindle, marked as "read," I think -- really? I read that? I wonder what it was about ...).
Evening. Soup making time! Ed is home, I am home, Fall is with us. Soup time for sure.
With love...
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