It is literally the calm before the storm, except this time, I am in fact referring to a meteorological phenomenon: we're to get blasted by some precipitation tomorrow and then again on the weekend.
Might it finally deliver some snow to this parched landscape?? Maybe.
For now, we have what I would call a lacy snow dusting. I suppose it adds interest to the familiar walk to the barn.

Okay, perhaps not a whole lot of interest.
Ed is down for breakfast rather early. The good thing about his unexpectedly prompt appearance is that once he is in the kitchen, I turn off the radio. And so I only digested half of the news stories for the day! This is perfect: I feel informed but not overwhelmed!

There is every reason in the world to take a walk today. Sunshine, a cold day but one that doesn't knock you down. And yet I don't. Living entirely by the book, filling my day only with things that are good for me hasn't exactly been my style in life. In this way I remind myself I am human: for every good for me act (oatmeal this morning!) there is a lapse and a slack (no walk!). I sit back and enjoy the sunlight through the window. And think about spring planting. (Big question: should I go back to shrub roses? I mean, it's a real dilemma!)
February is the month when our favorite greenhouses (Kopke's and Natalie's) start their annual plantings. It's hard to believe that in two months I'll be putting new lilies and heliopsis and phloxes into the ground. The difference between a February day and an April day is huge! It feels good to know that the first daffodil will likely bloom April 1st.
In the meantime, can I show off my indoor tulips and fragrant hyacinths once again? They look especially radiant in sunlight!

Here's another thing to think about: did you know that this week is registered as Random Acts of Kindness week? True, the company that reminded me of the designation was just trying to get me to buy their goods, and my act of kindness included deleting them from my email cache, but after doing that I thought -- well so what if it's not widely observed? If even only a million people took up this call and did a million random acts of kindness this week, wouldn't we all be the better for it?
My own act of kindness included taking the kids for ice cream after school. Perhaps not so random and well you might ask if I would have done it anyway, but the fact is that today, I really did not want to do it. It's a bother, it's too cold and it's expensive. But, I pushed myself and there you have it: two happy kids:
(At the Chocolate Shoppe)

In the evening I reheat the last of the chili. In pacing the kitchen floor (listening to the news again), I think, too, about how little I've strayed from repeating suppers week after week, month after month. And you know what? This isn't going to be the month for straying or innovating. It just isn't. More for repeating and serving all that you know will be loved. Your small contribution to keeping things calm. And happy. Where you can.
with love...
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