Monday, March 17, 2025

Monday, busy Monday

Okay, so we're not totally out of the winter woods yet. Snow this Thursday, snow next Sunday -- that does not sound like happy spring blossom time to me. Fine. I agree -- we're not even officially into the next season yet. I'll be patient.

But the one thing I cannot do is slow down. It's a busy day and a busy week and none of it is mind blowing, or beyond the pale, or even slightly interesting but there you have it.

First, the animals. The ones I will never understand. For example -- Pancake, why do you escort me to the barn every morning? You get nothing out of it. And yet, you come. Or this: cats, why are you more afraid of our chickens than they are of you? So that if they are in your path, you give them plenty of space?



It's windy out there! Over breakfast, Ed and I discuss wind damage. We have big trees that lose limbs. Should we preemptively cut them back? (It would require a professional set of tree trimmers.) I say... well, guess what position I take. Of course! Trim them back already! Ed says... I need not finish this sentence. You know what he says.




Next, a short reading session: articles that can scare the daylights out of you and cause you to look at property prices in, say, Vancouver. Which I do. They are, um, high.

Next, I iron. This is a job I reserve for when I see my younger daughter and when I travel to places that I think require of you a certain amount of self care, or at least a pretense of it. [Why only for my younger daughter? Both my girls dress with absolute care and present themselves magnificently. However, since I see my older girl more frequently, I have long ago decided that she will just have to accept me in the way that I am these days -- unpressed and frankly, erring on the very casual end of things.]

Next -- order groceries on-line and refresh/click the page over and over and over again to get the time of delivery to be early. I need the yogurt!

Then -- I bake the World's Best Blueberry Muffins (which require yogurt). For the girl who loves them so much. And for Ed and me. (It bothers me that every photo I take appears to have two missing. What can I say -- it's a recipe for ten.)

And then I really have to trim the lavender -- both in the lavender field, and in the flower beds. I never feel confident doing it since you're supposed to chop off a third without disturbing the woodsy part of the stalk which I think is impossible. Still, I cut. And I get only about a third of the way through the field. Sigh...

Ed wanted very much to go for a walk, but I have to switch laundry loads. In other words -- I run out of time. It got to be grandkid pickup time very quickly.

(he says he is tired...)

(she's not!)

And our afternoon at the farmhouse suddenly gets very busy as well. Snowdrop has some extra credit math that she wants to plow through in the next month so we must fit that into our time together, in addition to her play time, their eating time, and our three chapters-a-day book time. 

Phew! Not done yet! After I drop off the kids, Ed and I scoot over for the very last available for the day appointment to get our Covid boosters. I didn't think we needed them just yet, given that we both had Covid early in January, but my clinic tells me that travel demands this extra protection and Ed and I have decided to march in step with our various preventive vaccinations -- it's much easier to keep track of them that way.

And now it's after 6. And Ed asks - want to go for a walk

I appreciate his earnestness. And his love of our local park walks. And I have that love for them too, even though time on the couch seems so very attractive to me at the end of this day. Still, I opt for. a thumbs up answer.  I have never regretted walks we have taken together. Ever. And this is no exception. The light is beautiful.



The park is quiet.

And I skipped my hour of evening news. For once, I think that's a good thing!

with so much love...


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