Read me that paragraph about bears again. I say this to Ed, who had been trying to be convincing about safety issues in hiking the Canadian Rockies.
It says that maybe one person in several years will get mauled by a bear.
One out of what pool? The world population? One of those staying at our desolate campsite?
It says that the fear has reached ridiculous and exaggerated proportions.
Maybe because bears eat people…
It says that charging elks are far more dangerous than encounters with bears.
Add to list: fear of charging elks…
It says it is more likely to happen if you walk quietly and startle a bear…
Ed, you walk quietly. We both walk quietly. No more! I am going to hoot and holler until the ranger chases me down to find out what my problem is.
It says that bears are scared of people…
Well, so now we are even. I am scared of them, they are scared of me. Guess who is likely to win that battle.
It says that only angry bears attack.
And what causes a bear to be angry? I would guess my presence in their environs would be high on the list.
It says that you should avoid going near their resting space.
How do I recognize their resting space? All I know about bears resting is that they like beds that are too small for them. Straight from that great source of wisdom – Goldilocks.
It says that you should hang your food up from a tree.
And does it say how I am to eat it, up there in a tree? And how bears might react to the wafting aroma of organic mac and cheese, with aged cheddar?
It says that they close trails when there are several sightings of bears.
Wouldn’t you say that that is too little, too late?
I’m not going to stand by and wait for the worst to happen. Off I go to Fontana sporting goods store. I am greeted there by a guy who looks like he knows hiking inside out.
Promise you wont laugh. I have a question: what would you recommend to fend off bears?
I suppose I would have been taken more seriously had I not been wearing my work clothes. Woman enters store in nice skirt, pretty French sandals and expresses concern about bears… Alright…
Where are you expecting to find bears?
Up in the Canadian Rockies.
Ah, grizzly country.
Is that a better kind of bear?
No… here, take a look: we sell bear bells. You ring them incessantly to warn bears of your arrival.
I can just see Ed glaring at me as I walk with a bell all day long.
What’s the alternative?
Great! Protection! How and when do I use it?
Well, it’s like this: grizzly bear charges at 40 mph; you swiftly reach into your backpack and without a second’s hesitation, pull out the mace, aim it at the charging bear and when he is within 30 feet of you, fire away. But you have to hit him in the eyes or it’s pointless.
Let me get this straight: bear is charging, I know in that instant that it’s mace or die and not batting an eye, I successfully navigate within my pack, take out and uncork the mace and hit (still charging) bear in the eyes?
I’ll take the bear bell. A disgruntled Ed seems less scary than an encounter with a disgruntled bear.
Hope to see you after the trip Stop by and tell us if it worked for you. If you can.
Now what did the Fontana guy mean by that?
Later, a quick phone conversation with Ed:
I bought an anti-bear bell.
You are going to be jingling all day long?
Yep. Just pretend you’re hearing sheep. I’m an Alpine sheep, visiting the Canadian Rockies.
It says in the book that bells are ineffective...
Nice try but no bananas. A mere sheep with maybe a flask of wine and a bell.
I feel somewhat better, even if this afternoon, as I was saying good-bye to Tonya I asked her, as one does of a friend, for reassurance purposes—do you think I’ll get eaten by a bear? She hesitated, then answered: I can’t promise you that you wont.
A friend who tells it like it is.
oh god, this is the most frightening post ever! i am so scared of bears. and I know why, we DID startle one once when I was a kid, a big momma bear and two cubs. I never saw my dad run so fast (after scooping me up -- he was an a*hole but did have some instincts for my safety)!
ReplyDeleteuse the bell! Sing songs! Carry a big stick and thrash about in the forest! Get in great arguments with Ed and make him raise his voice! practice bird calls, yodeling, opera! anything!
i'm praying for you. and i don't say that to just anyone.
The bears come for your food. Pack all your food in sealed containers (no smell gets out), and don't leave any food in your trash!
ReplyDeleteAs I mentioned to you this afternoon, they pick up the scent of blood too -- so there's that to consider as well.
ReplyDeleteBut do have fun on your trip. Looking forward to seeing your photos. I know they'll be amazing.
I'll be with Sep in the praying corner, even though I'm sure you'll be OK. You may be small but Ed is not, and that helps a lot.
ReplyDeleteHave fun, Nina, and stay safe and comfy, too.
Lions and tigers(Ed?) and bears? Oh my!
ReplyDeleteYou are one brave soul. With your preparations and traveling companion, I am certain that you will fare well. I'm joining in on the prayers with sep and Joan.
I hope that you will have plenty of pleasant photo ops of the wildlife, and cannot not wait for your return.
Enjoy the stars.
There's a joke we used to tell in Alaska about this, that involved identifying the type of bear by whether there were bear bells in the scat or not. But I won't tell it, on fear that this may tip you over the edge.
ReplyDeleteI will suggest, however, that you remember to put your toothpaste in the bear bag at night. After eating all that mac and cheese, bears like to have minty fresh breath.
Also put deoderants and such up with the food in the bear bag as well, and hang it away from your tent.
ReplyDeleteIf you're spitting toothpaste out, do so away from your camping/sleeping areas. And rinse your minty-fresh mouth so the bears don't smell it on you ...
I don't have any experience with wild bears, but that's what I was told.
Just think how anticlimactic this will be when you don't have any bear interactions. Dehydration is probably the greater risk.
I think that if you were polling your blog readers for advice, you'd be camping in France.
OMG I was laughing so hard from this post. Pure comedic pleasure. Though perhaps i should have kept it down seeing hwo I"m suppose to be doing work right now.
PS: make sure you bring a bear bucket thats air tight, that way the smell of food doesn't get out.
What's with all the bear blog posts lately? Is it a summer "hiking in the wilderness" thing?