Monday, May 28, 2007

from New Haven: overheard

(toddler’s voice) Mama? Mama?
Mamma is getting her degree. You’ll see her in a while.


My son took seven years. Toward the end of his senior year he had a meltdown and wanted time off (to ski). All the relatives had to get refunds for their airfares for his graduation. Today they’re all here. He finished! Seven years later, he finished!


Uncle! Uncle! Climb over here, can you? You can see him walk by here!

So, how do you photograph it all? (See here? I'm not the only one with trepidations.)


...Me, I'm just just biding time, waiting for the right person (out of oh so many) to walk by with a content grin...


Overwhelming? yes, though if I wait long enough, there will always be the food to help me regain my composure.



  1. Your daughter looks like you. Congratulations to you both.

  2. A mother's glowing pride. A beautiful daughter's knowing smile of accomplishment. Hard work rewarded. A four-year mountain climbed. A day to be remembered, cherished. Life is so full of possibilities. Tomorrow a new mountain to climb. A new adventure begins. Isn't life wonderful?

    From one immigrant to another: Congratulations!

  3. Beautiful post: the pictures, observations, things overheard...

    Congratulations to the graduate!


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