Wednesday, December 05, 2007

hearts of warmth

Last day of class. (sniffle)


Me, bedecked in their generous impulse:

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Thank you. For a sweet semester from heaven.

Outside, there is that lovely cover of snow.

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So why these brief snippets? Why am I keeping it tight? With no embellishment?I came home tonight to a cold condo. Called the heat guys. Not our responsibility. Called the management – no, not us, either. Called the builder – sweet guy that he is he’ll find a solution. Eventually. For now, IT’S COLD HERE!


  1. Okay. THIS I have to know... Why none of their responsibility??? So glad the builder is taking care of. Stay warm!

    As always, loving your photos. Hoping the snow/ice doesn't freeze up the southern half of the state this weekend. Hoping to head to Mineral Point again.

    my non-blogger blog, yo

  2. We're all so darn cute! Hope you're safe on "magical mystery tour"


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