The skies remain gray. I suggest to Ed that we get some outdoor movement going while the temps remain above insane levels. At the same time, I understand that I have no time to do anything right now. It is the way things are.
We go to Picnic Point because it’s close and it’s really quite the wonderful retreat: you walk to the tip of the point and back, and you never feel guilty for walking too little because that’s all there, is - take it or leave it: there and back.
A few dogs, walkers, fishermen.
But no sunshine. No brilliantly clear skies, no crisp air – none of that. Just a frozen scape.
And a familiar skyline. With the capitol there, if you know to look for it.
In the evening I am with my corner shop associates, at our store manager’s home for a celebration of the year gone by and, I suppose more importantly, of the one ahead.
These things stand out for me. Colors on a gray day. Everything else is a blur.
Just think of how happy you'll be when you have the chance to glance out a window and see a burst of blue sky. It has to happen! Texas had rain a lot last week, and finally yesterday, the clouds broke. My youngest was excited that "the sun is a circle!". Sometimes, it's the little things.