... then a rain burst -- oh dear, not so much Rosie weather! -- then a mixed up day of work, lots of that -- it is a full full day, so that I can only appreciate the lovely (and brief) flashes of sunlight from within, looking out on Bascom Mall…
After work, I head for Paul's cafe -- it's been so long! -- but briefly, only briefly, because my daughter and her husband are coming for dinner in place of the Sunday dinners that could not be this month…
And in the midst of all this, Ed finds some good airfares for our winter break, but it's too sudden, too quick so it only excites us, without fulfilling any promises.
After, Ed heads out to play pickup volleyball (but it's the debate! but it's the day I play volleyball!) even as his college bud(s) came over to the farmhouse for the debate and so I set us up for the political theater that is before us this year.
In the midst of all this confusion (and I admit it - it was a confusing day) there is the more predictable: the peaceful moment on Rosie, as I leave the farm in the morning and set out along the familiar and quiet route to town…
And the quick glance toward the back of the farmette where farmer Lee and/or her sister (I can't see their faces from here) are planting garlic...
And all the rest of the lovely little tidbits that didn't quite make it into the camera or into the blog but they surely made it into my day, making it so very very fine, despite the mishmash of this and that and all things in-between.
love that fourth picture-- very wisconsin.
ReplyDeleteWhat's that stuff on top of your asparagus... are they nuts?
ReplyDeleteDid you "enjoy" the Debate? If I have to listen to one more minute of Romney bullying the whole world around I'll scream. Enough of that guy.
regan -- very next to where we live too.
ReplyDeleteBex -- mushrooms and garlic. And YES, for once I enjoyed the debate, even as your favorite governor was a tad arrogant for my tastes.