Thursday, April 11, 2013


I suppose the good news is that we're to crack forty degrees  tomorrow. And if you think I did not notice that we stayed in the bone chilling wet thirties today, well I did notice, as did anyone having to step outside and face another dismal day of the coldest "spring" ever.

Ed stayed mostly indoors, which is a good thing as I did pass onto him the sniffles. If there is a way not to feel bad about it, I haven't figured it out yet.

We ate breakfast in the sun room. Out of guilt, I suppose. We haven't set foot here much this month. No sun. Of course, outside -- it rained and rained.

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I had to go to work then. I'm dressed as for January and I still feel like I am just barely hanging in there. Such a nasty, wet week!

(And it doesn't help that the next week offers more of the same wet, cold, out of context stuff.)

So what can you do except maybe pick up that cheap bunch of tight tulips, along with some nuts and apple soda for your sweetie (at Trader Joe's) and head home.

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1 comment:

  1. Ha! When Ed has it, it's the sniffles and when you have it, it's the plague.


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