Wednesday, October 09, 2013

long day

That's Tuesday for me. Long. And so therefore, the post after it has to be short.

A friend stopped by during breakfast -- a repeat of celebratory pancakes and a repeat of my delight in seeing so much brightness everywhere I look.

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How can there be this many ways to view light?

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And after breakfast? Well, work. With the occasional mad pace through the garden, as Ed continues to put finishing touches on the roof edging.

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Back inside for me. Work! Keep at it -- work! Forget the gorgeous day. Get inside!

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To campus then, for a few hours in the classroom and after -- wow, is the sun setting already? As usual, I ride rosie home the quiet way -- by the lesser lake...

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By the time I am on the country roads, the sun is almost gone. Just a sliver left -- over the now dry fields of soy.

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Home. The joy of returning home. Is it that way for you too? That final stretch of road before you turn into your drive way, does it make your heart swell? I could write a fat tome about the pleasure of being home. And so it is one of the peculiarities of nature, my nature, that I should devote so much energy and spare resources on being away from it! Next time I write (late Thursday), I wont be home at all. As always, stay with me as I reconfigure my posting schedule. Travel disrupts routines. And that, for me, is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sunset. Beautiful light. Safe travels. ox


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