You have to be ready to book right away, because these super cheap fares do not last.
In fact, most often, they are gone by the time I fill in all the required spaces, check off required boxes and click "purchase."
This would be mildly annoying if it weren't for the fact that if you try, say, an hour later, they may appear again. Fleetingly. And then you go through the whole rigamarole once more, only to be told at the final stage -- sorry, you waited too long.
Too long? Do you know how fast I am at booking? Everything on those airline pages are by now auto-fill for me (with the exception of a credit card number). I know the planes I want (only ones with two seats off the aisle). How much layover I'll tolerate (never less than an hour, hopefully not more than three). I know me emergency contacts, my seat selection protocol (bulkhead on transatlantic), I can zip through the process faster than it takes a page to load.
Sorry, you waited too long.
The fare alert this morning was so good that I would not let this one pass. (Especially since I know that I have a 24 hour free cancellation period by law, so any mistake I make is without penalty.) So I call the airline. And the agent is nice, in an "I can do nothing" sort of way. And she tells me her supervisor will call me back after she looks into things. And this is how I spent a whole morning on airfares for travel for next year. Airfares that I did not, BTW, manage to land in the end. (Unless the supervisor does call me back with the message -- guess what! the CEO of Delta relented! You are good to go!)
And so breakfast is late. And it is in the kitchen, because I had to be near the computer, in case the agent called.

That's okay. The view toward the garden is good from here as well. Especially when the porch screens aren't drenched with rain.

(Though the garden is always prettier if you just step outside!)

Oh, for the good old days when sale airfares stayed with us for days instead of seconds!
Speaking of gardens and speed, I wanted to mention that this has been a phenomenal summer for birds and butterflies. I do not have any zoom on my daily use camera so I have resisted trying to take photos, but today the hummingbirds were so outrageous and energetic, that I tried to get closer to them (and therefore to take a few photos for Ocean). The birds are speedy and elusive, but I do have something for you.

And in other news -- well, it was time for Ed to pick tomatoes again. Today's haul loaded two bags for our freezer.

This year's crop is so good that we are, in fact, packing our downstairs freezer full. Chili will feature prominently on the dinner menus this winter.
But not today. Today's supper was supposed to be eggs and our local farmer's oyster mushrooms, with my garden beans, but I panicked that the beans had been left on the vines too long and so I also threw in garden corn. Just in case. In the end, the beans were fine and the corn was fine (though truthfully, we waited with that also a tad too long; we both prefer delicate, first blush kernels) and so our supper plates were quite full.

Oh, and did I tell you? The skies were outrageously beautiful today! We did play tennis, but mainly, we worked on our various projects -- Ed in the sheep shed, me on the porch. Of course. With frequent breaks for a walk through the garden.

beautiful, beautiful garden photos, especially those hummers! I can never catch them! Do those cheap airfares really exist any more? I admire your diligence in trying to snag one.
ReplyDeleteThey do exist, but they are elusive. Turkish Airlines, Aer Lingus, SAS and Icelnadic are reliably discounted but I always wait for the moment Delta/Air France join that market. It happens, but I don't often have luck there. If I were more flexible, I'd do better, but you know me -- I like to know when and where I'm going next. Anticipation and imagining the next venue are very important!
DeleteThe hummingbirds wear the perfect disguises to be almost invisible among the greenery of the plants. Great photo capture.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lee I. What it really is is great cropping! I could not get close and I do not have a zoom, so I focus carefully, shoot, then search the photo for the bird!
Delete"Ed no longer travels"... and that's that? Thought he would travel with you every third time, maybe.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you enjoy this airfare game. Is this the way you choose your next destination? Whatever is the best deal that comes up? European roulette... or do you have your next destination held lovingly in mind right now?
As I'm getting ready to start the school year, I'm also ready to take to my virtual wings with you!
Oh, my reply here cannot be short!
DeleteOn the subject of Ed and travel -- the crucial date here is January 29, 2014. I write about it here:
We were on the Greek island of Kos, hiking up to an archeological site and there, among the ruins, in what has to be a Greek tragic moment for me, Ed admitted that he could not continue to travel with me to Europe. Oh, I knew he was reaching his fill. That entire trip, he was in a zone of his own, disengaged even more than he usually is. Much of what we do on trips goes so against the grain for him that I suppose it was only a matter of time before he'd beg off. And even if he hadn't told me that he didn't want to travel, I'm not sure I would have agreed to go with him again if he was to be so disinterested in our surroundings. So for now, the agreement is I go alone, he stays home. Our shared time is on Skype!
As for choosing destinations -- well, given that my trips are solo now, I choose it with an eye toward that. I don't really pick places where airfares are cheap, but it is also true that my range has grown more narrow. Not interested in traveling to Turkey or Greece in winter alone. More interested in cities again than in the years when we went together (Ed's not a city guy). Not too remote, because I get lonely if I don't see people around me. So there are destination points -- Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, Milan -- that are always safe flight bets because they are either close to places I would pick or are terrific discount airline hubs so that from there, I can go anywhere in Europe.
I'm always thinking of the next trip, especially now, when I am forever on a fixed income. I choose carefully, deliberately and in advance. My two next trips are already set. I'm now considering options for 2015!
Hummingbirds! I have never been able to get a shot! I have pots of hostas right outside the family room windows and can watch the hummingbirds up close. They are so feisty and territorial! If they see their reflection in the glass, they display in front of themselves with tiny menace!
ReplyDeleteNote my comment to LeeI above! :)
DeleteBut for the travel plans-or lack thereof-it sounds like a lovely day! We had a hummingbird fly into our car in Rocky Mountain National Park. I was convinced it was a huge bee or something thudding around against the windows and was so surprised-as, I'm sure, was the bird!-when I saw a green hummingbird trapped. We let it out and later saw some actually resting in the trees.
ReplyDeleteSomeone sent me a link to humming bird info where it says that they alternate between resting and eating some 60 times each day! It's such a remarkable bird!
DeleteAs for travel plans -- well, this scramble was for a trip in March. So I have time for that one!
The first time I ever saw a hummingbird I was shocked at how tiny they are! Yes, the almost look like a giant bee or something... I've noticed there have been hummers around my garden this year, too... very unusual and also since I don't have a lot of flowering plants any more. But they come by and check things out (yes, the hostas they love!) and then move on. I wouldn't even think of trying to capture them by would take me so long to hobble back in the house to get the camera - by the time I got back there, there'd be a whole new generation of them already!
ReplyDeleteI'm not quite sure what my future holds regarding travel... or anything for that matter. :) The only magazine I subscribe to is Conde Naste. It's mind candy for me. Ironically, I no longer do the *big* travel (of which I really did little of when I could), but have been asked repeatedly to submit to a blog administrated (think I'm using the correct word) by Judith Fein and Ellen Barone. I've procrastinated for two years, though I think I have interesting insights from a smaller scope. Judith is a fabulous friend I met in Santa Fe several years ago.
ReplyDeleteI so enjoy joining you for breakfast on these pages. xo
I was a Conde Nast reader too -- all the years when for financial reasons, travel was limited. An afternoon immersed in their pages really did put me right in the thick of their destinations! A rainy day and a travel story on my lap... bliss!