Today's sunshine primes us for what's to come. (Here's our old reliable golden girl, looking splendid against a blue sky.)

Yes, we're in the promised polar blast (we've stopped calling it "vortex" this year), but honestly, you have to be a real winter hater to mind. It's sunny, bright and our hearts are pointed toward spring. Sort of like in yoga where, you're always told to raise your heart. Mine is raised! As is Butter's: she ignores the cold, the ice, and daintily traipses through the snow to greet me.

Scotch looks like a ballerina as she navigates the ice!

At the farmhouse, breakfast is rather early. Blame it on the cat.

And then I treat myself to a professional haircut. Ed did a serviceable job a few months back, but I want something more fitting for the season. A splurge, for sure, but I'm psyched for it! Let the local young woman do her tricks.
We discuss the options. I repeat what she already knows -- even though I loved the color of my hair the years I let Jason the color expert use his potions on it, I refuse to ever go that route again. And here, the young hair person says something that just makes me smile: you have such a wonderful palate of colors! You don't need added color!
Of course, "wonderful palate" does not translate to "gorgeous palate," but I choose to interpret her words in the best possible way and give it the contextual meaning it deserved.
After, I fly to Snowdrop's home.

We do our stuff: tummy time, pull ups, a bit of book play...

Snowdrop has one of her smiliest days ever.

It's impossible to look away.
And why should we? The smile of a two month old is so real and true. You cannot doubt it. We don't doubt it. We just smile along.

Oh, Snowdrop!

I'm ready to applaud Spring peeking through the nooks and crannies with you. An online friend who lives just north of me said today that she saw a whole flock - yes, flock - of robins yesterday. About 15 of them. When the robins show up you know spring is here!
ReplyDeleteLove Snowdrop's huge smiles. Even her eyes have that crinkly, happy look. So sweet!
And nice haircut, Nina. It's perfect for you!
I agree -- crinkly happy -- it's a good description!
DeleteSnowdrop is really studying that book now. And the smiles. Wonderful. I mustn't forget the ventures of Butter and Scotch out across the snowy path. Is "fostering" indefinite? You'll miss them if their real parents ever want them back.
ReplyDeleteButter and Scotch... wow! How did I miss noticing that combo? Glad you paired them for me!
DeleteThe belly picture reminded me of the days when her dad was tiny and kept trying and collapsing because one arm or the other let him down. So great when it finally worked but then it was deja vu when he wanted to crawl! You and Snowdrop have a lot of fun coming!
DeleteFunny thing is, my daughters never crawled! It was so weird because everyone said it was an important developmental milestone, but they skipped it. Went straight to walking at 10 months. I'll be interested to see what Snowdrop does!
DeleteOh, and on the matter of Butter Scotch -- the real owners said the white one was called Butterscotch (?!). Then , when they brought over the brown hen, they said *her* name was Butterscotch. So it was easy to split the name and match the colors! Ed still tends to call Scotch "Brownie" and then there is poor Whitney whose name we don't like and so we never call her anything!
DeleteOh, surprising about your daughters skipping crawling! It's one of the major crossing-the-midline activities. It's even advised to go back and TEACH them to crawl. Like the developmental games we play in preschool at large-motor time. (It's just plain fun for them.)
DeleteBut your daughters turned out MORE THAN OK, right !!!?!!! :)
I don't recall most 2-month-olds being nearly as smiley as Snowdrop. What a delight! Your new haircut looks so nice but we need a full photo, please.
ReplyDeleteI will post one, but it's not nearly as good as the real thing! :)
DeleteI'm glad Barbara mentioned your haircut... I was too distracted by Snowdrop. *smiles*
ReplyDeleteI agree and have mentioned before - Snowdrop's animation is advanced. So much because of her own essence, but also a reflection of the love and intelligence she reflects of those in her orbit. Today I was thinking she should also be called Sun Drop because of the sunshine she brings to these wintry days. But on second thought, in the South, Sun Drop is a dreadful overly sugary soda pop. Snowdrop is the perfect name - delicate and beautiful. Love.
P.S. Would like to see better pic of your haircut, too.
Thank you, my dear. Sun Drop seems quite the possibility for a summer addition should there be one! Must save the good names!
DeleteAs for the haircut -- I'll either post yesterday's shot (which is just okay) or this weekend, which is a mega family weekend, I'll get my daughter to do a photo that I wont reject.
Oh yes, definitely a reflection of the loving and lively intelligence surrounding her - right on Irene. ❤️