Tuesday, October 06, 2015


The stunning thing about a garden is that is never quite done until a deep frost sets in. Would you believe it, on my early morning walk from the coop, I encountered these:

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And speaking of nasturtium, as I look at my remaining photos from the day, there definitely (and quite coincidentally) appears to be an orange theme to them.

So, a hurried breakfast...

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... A quick drive to Snowdrop's home, where I greet the waking girl and plunge her into her tub and then pause for a pre-breakfast photo, where she is mildly amused with me...

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Energized by food, she does a lot of standing up/sitting down/standing up/sitting down... I'm exhausted by watching her efforts!

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Let's do some music, little girl!

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And lest you think I'm just too serious for that playful little girl, well I'm not. Here's our camera-on-self-timer game:

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Still, the girl has intense periods of thoughtful seriousness about her.

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Until she doesn't.

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In the evening, Ed and I recoup, regroup and watch a PBS show about E.O. Wilson and the study of ants. I would not have mentioned this except that it is so fitting to what topics my mind strays to these days.

1 comment:

  1. Strawberry blonde! Maybe it really is haircut time? But would that be too scary for her?

    Love the standing picture. And the thumb one. And the rolling in the rug one. Okay... all of them!


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