Today, we are to come together for a post-shower family brunch at the younger couple's home.
I am to get myself ready and available so that I can help my girl bake an old favorite dessert -- Maida Heatter's Black and White cake, or what I referred to for many years (under my breath) as the pain in the ass cake. It's not hard, but it does have many (and I mean many) piddly steps! But it is delicious. I remember sending it in a care package to my girl one summer when she went away to camp.
She and I are to begin work on it at 8 a.m., but when I come up to the kitchen, she is already there, with a full mis en place before her! That's my cooking buddy for you!

The cake is (finally) in the oven. She fusses about other brunch components. And like my grandma, she is not satisfied until the bounty is there on the table, beautiful and abundant, waiting for the arrival of family.

Well now, here comes family!

For now, Snowdrop is the sole little one. She likes having all these lovely people to talk to, of course she does.

But I think she is so ready for some new younger additions. Yesterday at the shower, she was awed by the youngest guest (photo, where I'm holding a three month old, taken by my older daughter):

And today, she loves luring me to the baby room so we can talk about who'll be sleeping there one day soon.

Upstairs again, time for cake. (And here, I must insert a quick comment on how utterly awesome this little girl has been during a challenging set of days. Her warm smile was never far. Her patience with errands, trips, set ups, lack of rest, rooms full of strangers, followed by a dinner out that lasted many hours -- she not only was at her very best, but this morning, she was once more the accommodating perfect guest. Oh, we'll have chaos at family gatherings in the months to come, but this weekend, Snowdrop reminded us that eventually children grow up and and give back all the effort you invest in their care.)

We were all so tired last night that the young couple never finished opening their gifts. Snowdrop is ready to assist them once more today!

Ah, my three sweet girls (and one son in law)!

Next time we're all together, I expect to say -- my four sweet girls!
For now, I have to take off.
I rejoin the neighborhood strollers on a lovely Sunday afternoon...

... and make my way to the "L" train, then the bus, and finally car. As I turn toward home, the great big Wisconsin sky turns a fiery orange.

As I approach the farmhouse, I have to smile at this welcoming display of our state's great beauty.

A minute later, I am home.
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