So a quickie post!
First, early, oh so early, I venture out to rescue the cheepers yet again. You have to stop these daily expeditions to the garage. You haven't the stamina or winter smarts for them!

I herd them back to the barn.

Breakfast. We're waiting for the sunshine. It will come, but a tad later than expected.

We ski in our county park. Note that promise of blue skies (and do you see the Capitol on the horizon?)

Lovely, familiar landscape...

... with a touch of red.

And now I bring Snowdrop home to the farmhouse. Yep, no jacket. No mitts. No cap or scarf. That's our girl! (But just so you know, we're hitting a heat wave! We reach near freezing today!)

After a run at the usual: read, play, read, eat, read -- she wants to engage Ed in a game of school. Unfortunately, he is on the phone, sequestered in the sun room. She is loud. I think she must be making his conversation (which concerns getting a new part for our old-er furnace) difficult. So I break down and bribe her. I offer her the gift I'd been saving for tomorrow, Valentine's Day: a pack of glitter pens.

To say that she loves them is an understatement. (Though she does repeat -- I loooove the pink and the purple and the red... A rainbow of glitter colors.)

Eventually she passes a "school snack" to Ed...

... and he rejoins us for a spirited game of "grandpa climbs the ladder."

It's a beautiful day, it really is. Inside and out.
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