Up... admire sunshine and especially flowers...

Oh, sweet apartment of mine! In, out, gone tomorrow.

To the cafe...meet with the extraordinary Karolina (apartment designer) over breakfast... (eyes closed with laughter)

There is no such thing as a Warsaw bakery without meringues...

Sunny? Cloudy? Can't decide.

Check bus schedule for tomorrow's airport bus. Photo: of people at said bus stop, waiting.

Back to apartment, run out with sister. Shopping for evening party gifts. Buy bourbon because, you know, US threatens tariffs! Ha ha! (EU threatened retaliation by taxing bourbon and Harley Davidson motorcycles.)
A break: at Rabarbar over tomato soup.

Brave souls lingering outside... It's 9C (upper 40sF) and windy.

Who lives here? me.

Flowers, vegetables, pussy willows...

My life has had many very long walks with my sister. Today we added another.
To the park!

Yes, that one. (Lazienki)

Empty benches still...

Paths followed, in childhood, in adulthood...

Getting late. Hurry now... Flowers again...

Definitely sunshine... Or maybe not?

So tempting to buy a babka for Easter. But the freshness date is max five days...

Home for a second, clean up, head out to friends.
Dinner! Great food, sweet hosts, long stories, as if we hadn't told any in years!

(cheesecake, anyone?)

It's been years! (Actually just a few months.) Can't stop now!

So late? How can that be??
Uber waits.

And tomorrow, right after breakfast, I leave.
I loved this breathless post. You captured your day perfectly. xx