It's a beautiful day once more, a day with those brilliant skies and pleasant early fall temperatures. The young family is in a morning rush. One child dropped here, the other at school. For now, I am just with Sparrow. Welcome, little lobster man! Do you know about grandma's magic camera?

Ed and I are just getting our breakfast routine going. He joins us. On the porch!

I'm wondering if he needs a sweater... Snowdrop wont mind if I share her pink one!

But, the air warms and in the end we set out for an introduction to farmette life. He is somewhat shocked to see the chickens. They are more ho hum about his presence. Another baby? Oh, ok!

Sparrow, like Snowdrop, like Primrose, is a smiling happy child. Perhaps all babies who are well fed and well loved are that way. My eyes, are of course, so focused on the three grandbabes.

In the afternoon, we pick up Snowdrop at school. The girl is very excited about having her brother join us at the farmhouse. These are chickens, baby Sparrow!

It's cool how these same chickens offer arithmetic lesson opportunities. Ed is forever asking -- how many new ones did we bring into the coop this year? And how many old ones are there? And how many eggs did we get today? So now how many do we have? (Ed, the answer is that we have too many! We get on the average five eggs each day!)

(She finds my Polish chocolates. Okay, Snowdrop. Just one!)

A snack, one book reading moment, and then she is off and spinning tales! (Yes, that's Ed playing a part in it. We all do. She assigns the roles.)

Ed is trying to work out some techie problem via the TV screen (something about linking screens in a remote communications scheme). Snowdrop sees that he can project multiple images of any one of us on the screen. She is fascinated by it all.

And now this too is part of her story.

While the lobster guy looks on.

Evening. Kids are home, one hopes in bed, perhaps even asleep. The farmhouse reels back to a state of utter quiet. I'm thinking about an Ocean post, Ed is thinking about an ocean sail. But for now, we are here, feeling lucky, feeling utterly content and at peace.
Wonderful,you’ll get to really know this little man (that’s what he looks like) the way you know Snowdrop!
ReplyDeleteI always see ours, ages 3.5 and 1.5, at the same time, and I must say that my attention goes more to her, because we have such a deep relationship already. I find the little one so joyful and adorable, but I’m drawn into her conversation and her projects... Fortunately there’s Papa. The little guy is asking for his Papa all the time and my husband is just so in love with him. This must be the way Nature intended. Two grandparents for two babies.
I know exactly what you mean! I used to go visit just him for an hour nearly every day this summer, but even that wan't quite enough. I came, we played a little, I left. And when they are together, she just dominates -- for me and probably for anyone in the room. We call it the problem of the second child. When my older girl left him with me on Monday, she said -- you're going to so love this little guy. I was a little surprised -- I mean, I already love him. But she had a point: I began to see him without the adornments of his family. Amazing little guy! Who knew!! :)