Today was not such a day, but it came close!
True, when Ed and I sit down to breakfast, I am so mollified, so happy to be sipping that coffee and eating that bowl of you-know-what across the way from a guy who brings serenity to the table each and every morning, that I always want a picture of that moment, before things get crazy (because you never know what a day may bring). And so here we are: Mr. serenity and whatever flowers we happen to have on the table.

But after -- well, it rained and I had chores to do and life's details to attend to. I did look up appreciatively on my drive back to the farmette -- enough to get out the camera (just across the road from us)...

And then I put it aside once more.
In the afternoon, I picked up not Snowdrop, but my mom who had spent some days in the hospital recovering from a fall. There was a grocery store trip thrown into the mix but honestly, none of it is picture worthy. On the upside, my mom is doing well -- being of hearty stock and having taken good care of herself, so I left her to her own devices and headed home, to be greeted with more rain, more mud, more this more that...
And then, toward evening, the rain stopped and the sky cleared just long enough to coax a smile out of me. Out came the camera.

I tell myself that in the future, I'll rise to the challenge and take inspired photos in the rain. But photographing routine chores? Never. Do them, check them off your list and move on to finer things in life. A cup of coffee and a cookie. One flower. A child's laugh, a chicken's run. Anything is more lovely to look at than a person slogging through a bunch of chores.
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