Both young families come to the farmhouse for brunch. Let's focus first on the girl who is the guest of honor, Primrose, if only because she is the one who comes here only now and then (as opposed to, say, every day!).

(And while we're focusing on Primrose, the other little girl -- Snowdrop -- steals a slice of baguette and touches the apple cake, announcing to all that she is super hungry.)

My family is growing. I now have two cast iron pans so that I can make two (mushroom and spinach) frittatas.

Ready to eat!

Oh happy girl! Happy us, too!

Hey, Primrose can handle a high chair now!

We have a bit of a split then. Dad leaves with Primrose, mom lingers a few hours more. Not that she is without babies to hold!

Or little girls who adore her to pieces...

In the end, she leaves too and we are again a group of six. I cook dinner, just like most every Sunday. The lights twinkle, the kitchen smells are so good, so comforting.

(An after dinner treat: Snowdrop is with her most favorite ice cream sandwich, Sparrow, wishing he was old enough to try one...)

The weekend comes to an end. Dishes are drying on the rack, leftovers are tucked into tupperware containers for tomorrow's lunches and dinners. Ed and I are on the couch once more, reflecting. He talks about how people have a hard time appreciating the remarkable things in life that are before them: an orange on the table on a cold November day. Warm water coming out of your faucet. Entertainment at the flick of a remote switch, a clean dish, a bowl of spaghetti. So easy to take these for granted! So easy! On this week of Thanksgiving, I'm drawn to thinking about all of them: the million and one gadgets, devices, that many talented people worked hard to perfect so that your life and my life could be made easier. The cars that bring my beloved young family here, the food stuffs we love to share, the little hands that reach for baguettes, rolly polly balls, and the moments of utter peace on the couch.
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