Sunday, May 05, 2019

tulips and dandelions

If you sit out on the farmhouse porch, this will be your view today:

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Sunday morning comes in warm, with a mixed cloud cover. I am up early. My girls are coming with their families for brunch. Porch weather indeed!

Ed is proud of the 18 eggs I use for a brunch frittata: cheeper eggs, with marigold egg yolks, given to us by very happy chickens (the frittata also has shaved asparagus, pan-crisped prosciutto, and crumbled goat cheese. It's got spring written all over it!

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The families are here!  Snowdrop comes with a present for Gogs.

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Primrose is thrilled to explore the permissible side of the fence in the kids' play room.

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Sparrow eats an early brunch. He's still keeping to a morning nap and so he retires just as we are about to sit down for our meal.

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An interlude with Ed: Primrose is definitely afraid of the him! Someday she'll laugh at this. He's the most mild mannered big guy I know.

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I'm so grateful that the weather gods gave us this most sublime morning on the porch!

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With eight of us around the table, Snowdrop tries hard to find a way to enter the conversational whirlwind...

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In the meanwhile, Primrose is paying the farmhouse cook the biggest compliment: she gobbles up the frittata, the fruit, the croissant, the apple cake.

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The parents are lingering around the table, in the way one does on a beautiful day. I want to take Primrose to the barn to show her the cheepers. Snowdrop wants to lead the way!

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She dishes out the corn. Primrose is fascinated!

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Afterwards, we head for the young orchard. It's dandelion nirvana there right now!

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Barefoot in the grass...

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My two girls, loving the flowers, the cool turf, the warm day...

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Ed takes this photo...

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Garden walk: Primrose and her mom.

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Ah, that Primrose proud smile!

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Sigh... Eventually, the young family has to leave. Oh, but what a glorious visit it was!!

We're told storms will develop in the afternoon. But, the skies stay mostly blue. Ed and I have a window to do some heavy duty yard work. We get to it immediately.

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And in the evening, the local young family comes back for a farmhouse dinner. Let's greet Sparrow, (who so often naps during my family picture taking)!

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We eat in the kitchen. There is a rumble of thunder and there surely will be rain tonight...

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(Sparrow's first spaghetti noodle...)

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She is an old pro...

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Yes, the storms do come to us eventually. I'm sure the two dozen plants I put in this weekend will appreciate the rain. I do wish we didn't have a week of cool temperatures before us, but honestly, I'm still in the glow of this brilliant weekend. I can take a few off days. Can't be greedy!

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