The pace is slower. Yes, the day starts early -- it always does, on account of the animal feeding and, too, because I like mornings and I'm used to getting up with the light, especially when the light comes to us so late! (Sunrise today: about 6:45, though honestly, when the day is this cloudy, it's hard to talk about a sunrise.) But there is no hurry.

Tomorrow, two of the little ones are going to their new home and so I watch them one last time as they climb, tumble and scamper about.
(this one, who will be leaving, is the smallest of them all, but she is also the friendliest...)

(this one, whom we have taken to calling Gray Cloud, is staying...)

Because the day threatens rain, I do not meet up with my granddaughter and her mommy for a protracted farmers market walk. Instead, I take my scooter out very early and do some essential market shopping on my own (corn, peaches, pimento peppers, flowers, cheese)...
(it's the grandmas who arrange the bouquets; they're small women and they tend to hide in the mass of flowers before them...)

(Door County fruits, still going strong!)

(scooter basket is full!)

After picking up breakfast treats, I scoot right back to the farmette. Breakfast on the porch.

And now there's a flip to the day: we have a Sunday-ish family dinner.

You don't often have a chance to see Sparrow, so I'll end with a photo of the little guy playing blocks with Snowdrop. Sort of.

Despite the drippy weather, it's a beautiful evening. The kids are happy, the grown-ups -- full of plans for the year ahead. And the fresh corn, picked this morning -- you know what I think of that! Farmette life at its best!
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