(The heavy rains had come at night. The phlox spheres had tumbled under its impact. Time for stakes and clips.)

So cold that we ate breakfast in the kitchen.

So cold that I could not coax the kids to stay outside.

So I have to ask myself: how are going to fare come wintertime?? We are summer spoiled!

Well, here's a fine activity for indoor time: cut hair. Ed's beard -- off it goes! Sparrow's hair: make shorter! Snowdrop's bangs: snip snip! Honestly, I am on such a roll that I could really go scissor crazy, but the three victims resisted more drastic hair action. All but Sparrow, who thinks hair cuts are great fun.
In the afternoon, I had a check up of sorts -- an appointment I decided to actually keep. This will have been only my second step out of our isolation bubble (the first had been to see a dentist back in April) and I was very focused on doing it quickly and with minimum exposure to anybody. Since the visit was located in the small building of the sports clinic, I saw mostly young people with broken bones. In any case, everyone was properly masked and maintained social distance and I doubt the virus was present there though of course you never know. I touched nothing, sat nowhere and still decided to change clothes and take a nice hot shower when I got home.
Home. Safe, warm home. Blueberry Hibiscus tea and an Ed on the couch. The adventures for the day are behind us.

Now comes quiet time. Snail time. Time to look at the moon if the clouds part. It's the Full Sturgeon Moon. Do you see it where you are? Does it shine brightly over you tonight? Did you exhale in its silver light?
I hope so.
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