Still, a lot of us have had good, if more quiet celebrations with at least some family members present and that's been wonderful. To this group I'd add my older daughter who turns almost but not quite 40 today. She is lucky: she has her kids, her husband, and she has us. And as we form a pod of isolation, we can gather.
And so the day is really mostly about getting ready for a family dinner at the farmhouse. Oh sure, there is the morning of garden work.

And Ed and I sit down to a relaxed breakfast on the porch...

But after that, I stay in the kitchen. To bake her favorite cake (orange and almond, nicknamed by me the Six Hour cake because that's how long it takes to make it)...

To prepare her best comfort food meal of crunchy chicken (and corn from the farm).
To tidy up and get ready for the arrival of the sweet Madison clan...

It's grand to do this for her. Like all working parents, my girl has had more than her share of stresses these last months. Still, even on this uniquely special day, you never forget about your other child and her family. You so want to set the table not for six, but for nine! That's my magic number now. Nine, there should be nine of us here for dinner tonight!
Oh, but you can't be greedy.
We pop a cork and drink to her health, our collective health and it is, in fact a joyous evening. August 1st. Her day.

My how she has changed since, well, those earlier years! Nearly three years old here...

With her own clan now...

Happy birthday, dearest one... happy happy birthday!
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