Late in the day, I put in an order for soy candles: pine scented, sage, biscotti. Not all in one, of course. They are a salve for winter. I discovered last year that I loved them in December, January and February. This year I extended them into November and even a bit of October and if the news continues to be bleak, I expect I'll run with them through March. We all have our salve and having potent cocktails doesn't mesh well with good health or a good night's sleep. But candles! Oh, that little flame can really do wonders in the colder, darker months of the year. Try one (unless you're the type that forgets to put a fire out when you leave a room, in which case pretend you never read this).
Having said that, I must admit that today was a day that did not require a special boost. The sunshine was splendid and the temperatures -- downright October-ish!

Breakfast, with sunlight.

The kids come over with plenty of energy.
Snowdrop immediately sheds her sweater and proclaims herself to be quite comfortable in a cami (aka undershirt), even though the playroom is without a heating vent. But the sunshine! It's transformative!

We are back to pretend play. So there's her real school...

... and pretend school. I figured out what Sparrow's role is. I distinctly heard Snowdrop refer to him as janitor. But a well respected janitor!

Sometime in between school classes, the play switched to "a trip to Paris." One chosen doll and Snowdrop, who felt she had to dress up for the occasion.

I thought Sparrow for sure would pass on this, but no. He finds a dress up dress as well and trots over...

What a day... There's even time for super pig art!

Did I say the weather is magnificent? Nature walk for sure!

In fact, the sunshine is so pleasant that Ed takes off on his bike for a good two hour spin along his favorite route. Me, I take a walk after dropping the kids off. They live close to Owen Woods and so I pick up a trail there.

I'm not the only one seizing the last warm moment. (On the upside, most walkers are masked.) For this reason alone, I prefer our local county park. But one has to have variety!
And boom! The day is gone. Was it a good one? Yes it was. The last hurrah. We're getting real winter weather tomorrow.

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