We wake up to seven. Seven Fahrenheit. Outside. Pretty cold! (That's -14C.) Ed would say we've seen worse and he is correct. Still, consider this to be a day blasted by Arctic air.
On the upside, so often Arctic air days come with brilliant sunshine. Today is no exception.
I am, however, surprised to see the cheepers on the path to the garage. They don't typically venture out on days like this. But as I approach the barn, I see the issue: there is a possum hanging out in their space. You know possums? Those animals that love chicken eggs, and, as a main course item -- chicken necks?
We set up a trap and catch the intruder. You aren't allowed to randomly release possums into someone else's backyard, but we think we have permission to do it in one stretch of land not terribly far from here, so out he goes.
Then, as we check the coop once more, we find a second possum, also hunting for eggs and/or cheeper necks. We set the trap out once again. In he goes. Then out, some distance from here to (one hopes) join his buddy.
My, what sharp teeth those guys have!
So if you ask how we spent the morning, I'll say yes, we had a lovely breakfast, made especially pretty by the fact that groceries this morning came with not one but two flower bundles! Reminding us of the season just around the corner...

And then there came the hours spent/wasted on possum chasing. (By evening, we trap a third one, so clearly there was a family unit licking chops at the sight of the free food in the coop.)
I do still want to give myself a haircut. But I have chicken feet! (Sorry, my thoughts seem to drift to farm animals this morning!)
(Dance seems to love to pose by this sign...)

I watch a few more videos of self-trimmers and vow to get to it tomorrow.
Somewhere in those sunny and totally freezing hours, Ed and I take a walk. Super cold! Super beautiful.

I end the day with a Zoom chat with a friend, followed by some big time soup cooking. Lentil soup.
If ever there was a day for hot soup (going down to 1 F tonight... that's -17 C), this surely is it!
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