While we are on the subject of Ireland, I'm remembering well a hike Ed and I took up Irish hills, oh, nearly 11 years ago. The wind was fierce. I didn't really think it could blow me off the mountain and it certainly would have known better than to mess with puffing Ed off, but it sure felt like I was a mere nothing against its mighty gusts.
Today's winds are blustery as well, but they're small puffs compared to those Irish gales. Besides, we don't live on a high hill, so we wouldn't feel their force here, on the farmette. Still, they made you zip up your jacket extra tight. And they kept me inside. After a morning of errands, postponed from many moons ago, I settle in and refuse Ed's prompt to pick up our work outside.
(Breakfast was in the play room once more, just because...)

In the afternoon I do go out because it's a Snowdrop pick up day. I'm always early at her school -- some twenty minutes early, because the line of pick up cars gets to be very long and I know the little girl is ready and waiting! Today, I got scolded by some teacher person for exiting my car to greet her. The new rule is that she (and all kids called out for the pick up) wait until we pull up past the "white line," which I can only do once the four or five cars before me have moved on. As I wait, watching her and a handful of other kids pace the sidewalk, I think about how hard it is for the teachers to ensure total safety for these kids. And we expect that of them. Inside the school, and now outside as well, with all the threats that come with letting kids merely go off on their own. Safety. But at a price.
(At the farmette: sooo windy!)

Inside: lots of energy...
spring hyacinths...

and spring chicks.

Snowdrop does ask for some outdoor time -- in the farmette Magic Meadow...

And I'm happy to see her delight in something so small and dirty as stirring up the waters of a muddy puddle!

Evening: you wont be surprised to hear that I choose to make a hot veggie soup for dinner. On a windy day, in Ireland or in Italy or in Wisconsin, nothing tastes better than a bisque, thick with veggies and cannellini beans, all sprinkled with grated Parmesan.
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