Days typically follow a pattern. And then there are the misfits. Days that really begin at night because you didn't turn off your motor until the wee hours. You got caught up in stuff and then you found yourself in the next day. And then the phone rings too early so you're up too early, but then you remember that you'd really like to finish that project that had kept you up, so somewhat groggily you get up while your partner loses himself in the offending phone call.
You stumble downstairs and you yourself make a phone call, except there's a wait, one of those with music playing nonstop in the background -- same song over and over. The wait lasts 90 minutes, so you walk with your phone playing stupid musicto feed the animals, and you take no good pictures...
And you have to take that singing phone to breakfast because you're still waiting for a pick up so that's a bummer, even though Ed swears he can't really hear the music.

Finally you give up and try another number and this one actually works and now it's sprint to the finish line as you try to figure out the very complicated details of future travels.
And I realize that travel these days, including travel planning, is going to be immensely more complicated. Nothing is as it was before. You can't, just as an example, merely pass through Schiphol Airport on your way to another destination. You have to be from a certain country and have certain documents. But, I'm going to rise to the challenge. At least for now. I have hatched a plan! We'll see how it turns out.
Sometime later in the day, Ed calls me over to where he is working at the edge of the farmette lands. He says -- look, doesn't that field (that abuts the property) look great?
He is right. It does. It's a cross between a prairie and a meadow and there are flowers and clovers, providing nutrients for trees and blooms for pollinators and maybe it would win at least a few battles with weeds.

So maybe we have an answer as to what should go into the land in our new forest? Can we come to a decision? Ed tells me -- Let's study this further...
Still later Snowdrop comes over for an afternoon at the farmette.
Perhaps the chill in the air has gotten to her because she rejects the great outdoors in favor of the snugly comfort of the farmhouse.

And once again, when I take her home, I look around to see which brother is up and running. Today, it's this one (Sandpiper)!

A day for grandchildren, right Primrose? (She and I come together over dinner on FaceTime!)

So here we are, fully into summer and I cannot even get myself to finish picking the cherries from our tree. Not this evening anyway. The cool air is a bit too cool. Moped sunset ride? Forget it! But hey, I don't mind working on projects indoors. Most importantly, I made some decisions and moved forward. With what? Ask me in September.
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