Tuesday, July 13, 2021


I got a haircut today at tiny Bang salon. No big deal, right? Well actually it was a big deal. My last one had been in March 2020. Yep, just before the lockdown. Such innocents we were then! My hair cut person had already been wiping down the chair (because we all thought that was the key to stopping the spread), even as no one wore masks. So we sat in clean chairs and talked freely and inhaled deeply and my, how things have changed!

Some months back, I could not stand my long hair anymore so I cut it off myself and it looked fine, but I missed having it actually styled by someone other than me and so today I was back in a chair with my old stylist, both of us wearing masks, because she has a kid and I'm around kids and it's just better that way for now.

I have to say that there are many moments just like this, where I return to some prepandemic habit and think deeply about it in ways that I never did before. I still have a few to go! Ed and I have yet to eat at a restaurant indoors, I have yet to go shopping in a grocery store (this is just me being busy or spoiled, take your pick). And I have yet to fly, which then leads me to the final step -- to fly across the ocean. Hey, one thing at a time! Today I got a haircut. Pretty short, too. Going wild in my reentry into a saner world. 


In general, it is a day for me to think about putting my feet up. Literally. Ed and I agreed that we could use one comfy chair for reading/writing/lounging on the porch. Just one. He thinks it will look too cluttered with two and I'm not going to push him on it. He can stay on the house couch. I'm the one who is pining for a front row seat with a view toward my flower beds.  


And speaking of flower beds, I am back on schedule, snipping away spent lilies. I notice that on some days there are a lot and on other days there are fewer. Lily blooms seem to come in waves: a big show on one day, then a pause, then the next big display a couple of days after. It's as if they needed a break between each performance. 


Aren't you going to bug me about the title of the post? Animals? What animals?!

Well it just so happens that all the photos today have an animal in them. Some of this was quite unintentional. I have photo bombing cats and a rooster, but then too I have the elusive hummingbird and the athletic tree frog. And don't forget the deer!  So, photos for today: no kids, but lots of splendid animalia.  


A leap toward a better world, or else why bother?!

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