Beautiful blue skies, a sack full of new Covid worries, and a splendid Christmas tree that is so playful and full of sparkling joy, that it continues to color my day. This is what the end of November looks like.

Up not too early. I let the cheepers out. They need some play time too, despite their overriding anxiety right now. The disappearance of Pepper (Ed suspects it was a hawk) has unnerved them. Their bossy leader is gone and they hover together like never before, wondering who should set the tone for the day. But, they do like the sunshine and a good dirt bath in the hydrangea patch so out they go, even though I know we will have a tough time getting them back into the coop before dusk sets in.
Breakfast -- each day more cozy and hyggelig than the one before.

I have a list of in person errands to run. Like in the old days before the internet let my fingers do the walking. USPS, UPS, CVS, REI -- all on my list. None are picture worthy.
Finally I pull up to Snowdrop's school and I wait for the girl to come out.

Yep, winter is just about here.
(At the farmhouse)

And now the sun fades and Ed hints that he may need help getting the cheepers into the coop. Chasing them in is hard. I suggest we use sticks. That's what Polish farm girls used to herd geese into the pen. Ed finds sticks. Very long sticks.

Too long to work with, but fun to play with.

It takes a while, but eventually the cheepers are all in. Safe tonight.
I take the little girl home. Where her brothers wait.

And the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle needs finishing touches.

We're ready for December!
With love...
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