It's not yet officially your birthday, but man oh man, are we all ready to celebrate! We, your family, Primrose, have waited a long time to sing this to you in person: happy birthday to you...
This day is certainly for you!

Morning preparations. Dress up the baby!

We move the party to the very excellent venue of Jeni's Splendid ice cream -- a neighborhood shop with remarkable ice cream flavors and a crew happy enough to let you use their space for parties, so long as you clear out before they open to the public at noon. [Jeni's is a Philadelphia style ice cream, meaning that it uses no eggs; the richness is in the magnificent grass-fed milk and cream, and the flavors paired with it.]
Here she is -- the just-about-four year old! And her three month old sister.

("That stays there, okay?")

Proud parents...

All those cousins, here to celebrate.

Happy Birthday, sweet sweet Primrose!

Lots of ice cream...

... for everyone!

Seconds and thirds are just fine!

The "two older girls..."

More ice cream, please!

And in the afternoon we are back at the house. Selfies are becoming a favorite for Primrose (and me!). We take one, look at it and laugh and laugh!

"Oh, how quickly they grow..."

(one more present: baby cacti to care for....)

Here's someone who deals well with a lot of excitement...

And now the cousins are here again!

Cousins, grandchildren. Call them what you will. Treasures, beloveds.

So much happiness in one day! We waited a long while for this. A seemingly interminable while. Finally. A most beautiful evening that could go on forever. (Lot's of emotion, can you tell?)
With love, always and forever...
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