Thursday, August 04, 2022


A small, really tiny voice inside me says -- you know, you could be working to market your book rather than snipping lilies every morning. I ignore it and snip away.

It grows louder -- you know, writing it is only half the battle. You need to do more than just one TV appearance and one scheduled book event. In January no less. I still ignore it. Snip, snip, clip, clear.

But, but, but snipping lilies is good for my health, right?! Snip, snip, clip, clear.

Breakfast, also good for my health!

And speaking of health, I have another one of those appointments today where your doc is supposed to monitor something, except that my doc for this particular organ (you understand -- no one just goes to a doctor anymore, you go to one for this inch of your body and another for the next, etc.) has been deployed and so I got a substitute doctor. And this substitute doctor said two most amazing things to me, that were so totally unexpected that they blew my mind. First, he said "before coming in here, I studied your chart for about half an hour..."

Can you believe that? This guy spent his lunch break pouring over the not so fascinating tidbits of my chart! And he had conclusions, which, in itself was stunning.

The second thing he said was "while we're studying everything, take a look at this picture of your lungs -- they look like those of a twenty year old." I said "Aw, you're just being nice..." But he insisted that among my few medical virtues, the shape of my lungs was right up there. Now, is that a nice guy or what??

In any case, the visit went well and once again I was told to go to PT, this time for voice training, in addition to the PT I am already neglecting for knee workout, back strengthening, and toe alignment. 

I'm learning that to be 69 requires a full engagement with the Physical Therapy industry. Which I am at the moment neglecting, because I have to snip lilies, and after that I have to sell my book.

Before my visit with this phenomenally wonderful doc, I took a walk by the lesser lake. And it was beautiful!

My doc had asked me if I close my rings each day (that's techie talk for doing enough exercise to make my smart watch happy) and I had to admit that sometimes I do not. Snipping lilies closes no rings. But today's walk counted for a lot! 

(On the other hand, I was dismayed to see this at Bernie's Beach, which I passed on my stroll:

There's no way that the swimming area is healthy and safe with so many geese using it as a bathroom stop on their way to Canada, or, more likely to the next lake and the one after.)

In the late afternoon, after a wonderful Zoom call with someone important to me across the ocean, I motorbiked with Ed to our local market. For the flowers. And for a chat with Angel and Lutecia, the Mexican couple who will be planting stuff at the farmette later this month. Oh, oops! That's a late August story!

For supper I make corn fritters. I have to work the corn more into our menus. Tipi, our CSA farmers, snuck in another 9 ears into our produce box today and so now we are swimming in corn. They suggested a corn fritter recipe and I was happy to go down that path, though I ended up making more than a dozen of them. Possibly too much for a two people meal.

It's a beautiful, warm, summer evening. I hope you had that too. Well, unless you live in Australia. I hear acacias are now blooming there, with the coming of spring. My goodness! The spring acacia in Poland put forth flowers a mere two and a half months ago. How wonderfully diverse our planet is!

With Wisconsin summer love...

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