Tuesday, November 15, 2022


One of winter's mysteries is how much snow a day will bring. Even if the forecast tells us there will be snow, you're never sure if you will need to shovel your way out or if it will all fizzle to a dusting of wet flakes, ones that will rapidly melt in the course of the day. Snow is like a cat on the prowl: it charts its own course and rarely lets you in on the secret of where it will choose to land and how much of its beauty will cover the landscape outside your window.

So yes, they said it would snow today. Ho hum. It's November. Snow is a rare event this early in the season. Besides, last week we were topping 70F (21C). We're not in the snowy frame of mind.

Nonetheless, we woke up to this pretty farmscape:

The Bresse hens are having they first experience with snow. And I have to say, they are lucky to be tasting this white stuff, because the expectation had been that by winter they would be in our freezer. Ha ha. Not gonna happen.

One hike out and they retreat to join the others, who never even bother to leave the barn.

Breakfast, cosy, hygge, even as I know that this is last year's concept. I believe the new buzz word this year is "kurashi," which I understand to mean creating a tidy lifestyle for yourself. [You can read about it in the NYTimes today here. I did get a chuckle at the end, where a psychologist scoffed at the idea of aiming for such perfection in your everyday. People are complicated and they have complicated relationships and this, not clutter, is a source of anxiety for many. To quote this clinician: "If my clients all lived in houses filled with junk but cleared the toxic people out of their lives, I'd be fine," she said. "Keep the old suitcases: get rid of the grumpy uncle." So true.] 

Me, I'm still in love with hygge, so here's my winter breakfast. Ed's eating chicken soup, I'm still on croissants, but we're on winter placemats now. And the candle, a Portuguese Olive Blossom, reminds me of winter trips Ed and I took to places where olive trees released their fruits starting just about now.

This day is memorable not only for its first real snow this year (looking so fine on the firs across the road!)...

... but also for my mother's birthday. She is 99 today. She claims that she does not celebrate such stuff but honestly, I'm not sure I believe her. I pay her a visit and bring her the one thing she really does want -- authentically brined sauerkraut.  

She's doing ever so well, now chugging' along onto her hundredth year of life.

And from there, I go to pick up Snowdrop. It's a complicated day, but not so complicated that she wont take time out to enjoy a run in the snow.

After she's nourished, rested, dressed, I take her to dance. 

And there's more for her afterwards -- a scout meeting. I help her change and gather her stuff and off she goes!

And only then do I drive home. The snow is still with us, swirling as it does at night, right into the headlights of your car. 

All is calm. All is very beautiful.

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