Tuesday, January 17, 2023


You don't get many hither and yon days like this one! Scattered in every direction. Uncoordinated and with lots of loose ends. Or, maybe you do? Let's hope not too often. 

It was a day of good intentions. Nevertheless, when you tally up its gains, I'd say Ed moved forward, I moved who knows where, and in between, we had what felt to me like one long run-on sentence. Sort of like this:

Muddy paths, well that's okay but that means lots of soggy chicken poop to step into and I did it with both shoes as I entered the barn and saw that the coop had been left fully open at the roost overnight so that any predator could have had a field day with seven chickens huddled under an open space calling out to all chicken loving animals everywhere yikes oh well all chickens miraculously accounted for must wash chicken poop off of shoes and rush to pick up veggie for tonight's supper, and baguette for all day long, and may as well get cinnamon rolls because why not, and now turning downtown I see that I am completely out of gas how did that happen and oh my, Lake Monona is unfrozen even though it's January 15th, that is so weird, but breakfast is so yummy, oh Ed, come in from under the car let's eat even as the phone rings and his friend who lives by a frozen lake asks if we want to go ice sailing today hahahahaha no time and instead we sit down and try to move some retirement funds around because the market is weird and we get nowhere at all and no one can figure out why so we leave it alone and Ed goes instead to one of his pals who works in metals and can break through some part of the busted rusted car of hi allowing him to access some broken something or other within, "pick me up, would you" he asks as he leaves his car with his pal, then he takes the beat up truck and is off to get some glue, leaving me to wonder if he is gluing car bits together but that cannot be, and while he's at it he gets cat food but me I am still searching for a way to get Paxlovid for my forthcoming trips and the last absolutely last resort is to sign up for online med services with some strange doctor but hey, she gets 4.5 star ratings from the two people who bothered to rate her, and I know I'm going to be out like $100 for a two minute conversation but it will be worth it, except I wait forever and she fails to show up and the service asks me if I'd like to sign up for another appointment really truly, I mean, you've got to be kidding me and BTW they dont dispense Paxlovid prescriptions without a positive Covid test, I mean pain killers fine other medications why sure, but not the one that would help me not get very sick if I get Covid while I travel so please give me my money back for your services, and darn it, our drive way is sooooo muddy!

That was my morning. Some photos, to add glamor to the text!

In the afternoon I pick up Snowdrop who asks me to drive past the park in the new development. I should have guessed. She wants a few mins on the playground, while I freeze because I dont bother wearing a jacket when I drive to pick her up at school. The car is warm. The playground is not.

At home, her appetite soars (can I please have lots of baguette, a muffin, a part of croissant and some cookies in addition to the fruit?) and she picks up a book she's read already even though I put out some tempting (in my view, but clearly not in hers) new books.

This evening, on our drive back, she is feeling chatty. She tells me she and her mom are like sponges soaking it all in and her dad gives it a squeeze and they spill it out. Tonight I am the sponge wringer and she is the reporter: speculating, musing, assessing.

In the evening I scramble eggs, steam asparagus and fry up some mushrooms. And then Ed reads me the updated weather report for Thursday -- they day I am to head out for my brief trip. And boom! I know there is at least a 50% chance that my flight out of here will be cancelled. So I do what any person wanting to get to her destination not simply a day before it's time to come back -- I call the airline, wait the requisite hour to talk to an agent and change my reservation to -- tomorrow.

I don't really want to leave tomorrow. I have a meal planned for tomorrow. Snowdrop is to come here tomorrow. Ed and I are to watch a movie... Still, I make the switch. It's the sensible thing to do.

The rest of the waking hours are spent on changing everything, notifying everyone and packing. So, is there a reason why January is a tricky month for travel? Yes there is.

More on everything... tomorrow. 

with so much love...

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