Ed tells me this morning -- you're preoccupied with your forthcoming trip. Well, sort of. I still have appointments this morning and the morning walk to barn..
(run! here comes the scary human!)

And eventually, breakfast...

But, too, luck would have it that the persimmon trees arrived today and I hover around them as we try to figure out how and when to put them in. This mostly falls on Ed. (Let me rephrase that: it entirely falls on Ed!) I have given up on digging through matted weeds and heavy clay soil, made heavier, it seems, by the earliness of the dig. And I sense he's not that in love with the task either. We talked about what would happen going forward. If these trees fail, how long into our old age will we continue to replace them? It's hard work!
Trees unpacked, bags packed, what's next?
(a moment to admire, perhaps for the last time this year, the crocuses!)
I pick up just Sparrow at school.
Snowdrop is off doing Girl Scout things so the boy comes here by himself -- a rare thing for him.
(he just loves hearts!)

And in the evening, Ed and I eat our farro dish and I fall into my day before departure normal state of, well, missing him. This is the difficult part of any trip -- leaving behind what I love so intensely -- our time together. But, the guy wont budge, so here he stays as I print boarding passes and do a final check before retiring for the night.
Happy spring to all!
With so much love...
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