The last day of school for Snowdrop, Sparrow, Sandpiper and Primrose too. This afternoon rolls in the start of winter break. How I used to love a winter pause when I was a kid. The fall semester is unusually long and without a reprieve. Two months into it you realize you've got almost two more to go before you can catch your breath. And of course, winter break spells Christmas, full speed ahead! Lights, music, action! A kid's dream.
And of course, we wake up to snow. And sunshine!

There is a bit of a mad dash to this December morning, but you know, who isn't running around chasing a cat's tail these days (is that a thing? I have too many cats in my life...). We do start the day right: breakfast, together, with gratitude for a beautiful and snowy day!

I have an appointment then. And Ed needs to get his truck over to our front yard (big eye roll here). All this takes time. What we do want, more than anything, is to get back on our skis. It's kind of tight, schedule-wise, and it means lunch will have to be in the car for me -- while driving to pick up the kids -- but we manage it!

I am thrilled to be skiing again! And Ed is too, though he has a couple of tumbles and he tells me later that his balance isn't as good as it was in years past.

We're weirdly mismatched that way: I feel grand on skis and my pace is easily twice his. He, on the other hand, feels grand on the bicycle and only because I have the electrical charge on mine, can I hope to ever keep up with him. Perhaps the lesson here for all you young people is keep at it if you want your favorite movement to stay with you long into your senior years! (He's been biking forever, I've been skiing forever.)
I pick up the kids then. How was your last day of school? Amazing! -- this from both of them. In their pajamas, with their stuffies.

I have to say, I'll miss the December pickup mood. The kids are excited, agreeable, and swooped into the giddyness of the moment. Typically, they never want my music in the car (classical -- too staid!), but in December, they have loved my Christmas playlist. Choral, jazzy, all of it. The car rides have been made beautiful by it.
The weekend before me is for catching up, for baking, for wrapping. We're getting a blast of cold air, but in fact, the snow wont last for long. Weather bounces are not unusual for this month. For now though, it sure is beautiful out there.

with love...
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