It really is bitter cold outside. The kind of cold that can keep you bound to your heated space inside, undoing any resolve to move more in 2025. The thermometer reads 14f (-10C), but it feels much colder than that. The winds are gusty, piercing through any protection you may have. And we're not the only ones feeling the deep freeze -- many states are getting that direct hit of Arctic air right now.
On the upside, it is a sunny day. The psychological boost you get from that is tremendous.

This is what you must do on a day like this: fit in your daily walk into the wee hours of the morning, because you will not feel like going out again later. And so after feeding the hens, I resist the temptation to go back to my deliciously warm kitchen for my milky coffee and granola (croissants? what croissants? don't know anything about croissants -- I tell myself) and I head toward the new development for a brisk walk.
It is so cold that I keep my face down the whole way. And my sweatpants? Useless. I'm so chilled at the end that it takes blankets and many cups of hot herbal tea to bring me back to normal. But I did it!
Breakfast at last. Alone, but with a candle (a real one, stashed just for just such a moment).

I know, I know, I'm polluting my lungs. Give me a break -- small steps, but also small pleasures! The house is empty and lonely without Ed. The candle is a tiny boost to the otherwise too quiet farmhouse.
And speaking of Ed -- we're still waffling about whether to treat him for his Covid. I would say the guy has a moderate case of it. If it doesn't get worse, he'll be fine. But how can you predict what tomorrow will bring? I leave the decision to him for now. Being very drug-averse, he of course chooses to hold off. We'll see if that ends up being a wise choice!
In the late morning I Zoom with my two friends who live in warmer climates (one in Florida though she is currently in D.C., one in New Mexico). Am I jealous? Not really. I don't mind the cold too much and in general, I like winter. But do ask me again at the end of March, when I've had enough of it! [I do mind the absence of snow. Looking ahead, I see not a flake in sight, for the next two weeks.]
And in between everything, I check in with the sick guy who, as is his habit at times of illness, sleeps. A lot. I called him maybe half a dozen times today and each time I woke him up. Quite impressive. When I'm sick, sleep can be elusive.
In the evening I cook up a split pea and lentil soup. to keep on hand during these cold days.
As for movie watching -- of the solo kind, without my buddy on the couch -- well, after an unsuccessful evening yesterday, when I thought I'd watch Pride and Prejudice, but instead left PBS on, so that I was bored to tears by a show lauding AV trails in northern Wisconsin, I did what I would never do with Ed here -- I bought a movie online. Anora. It cost me twice the price of a theater viewing, so yes, there was waste and I feel bad about that, but there is no way you could drag me out to the movies in this weather when, for just a couple of dollars more, I can stream something to my home couch. A stripper falls for a Russian oligarch in Brighton Beach, NY? Sounds good to me!
Much later: a two and a half hour movie. Have you seen it? I haven't a clue as to how to even think about it. I know it's an award contender for the Globes and likely for an Oscar. It already won the Palme d'Or at Cannes and Best Picture in December at the LA Film Critics Awards. And still, I neither liked it, nor didn't like it, which is strange because people have very strong opinions, both about the story line and the characters in it. I wont ruin it for you if you're still thinking of giving it a go, but I will say this: I have never kept the volume at such a low level in any of my movie viewing, ever. Oh, and another comment: is the idea of a movie with a happy ending a thing of the past? Okay, I'm saying too much.
To a healthier and more upbeat tomorrow!
with love...
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