We eat at the kitchen table.

I'm less irritated by the construction racket. Maybe it's because I think eventually something interesting will come of it. Or is it because the racket in my life comes now from other sources?
I am back to index cards. I have one for things (big and small) that require immediate attention. Then I have one for things I want to try out with Snowdrop. And I have one for food prep and a separate one for garden imperatives.
Were it my own world of silly projects and idle dreams, I'd be a bit more chill about it. But, grandkids aren't young and in need of your care for long and it isn't every day that your 94 year old mom is attempting a move across the country. So, there are the phone calls, and the plants to dig out, and the services to coordinate, and the sweet babes that look like they really really love that cuddle you so want to share with them...
(today's selfie with Sparrow)

I pick up Snowdrop in the afternoon and bring her to the farmhouse. I think she likes this quiet time here, where the only talk of babies comes from her as she plays with her Lego and Playmobil characters.

Eventually she comes back to her pretend play -- she is in a wedding, I am the brider (?!) and she is the bride.

You'll think from my posts that Snowdrop is completely drawn to traditional girl play. That is not so. In the course of the day, she can be all over the place in terms of her interests. (Here she is, studying the people who work at the CNC milling machine company -- Ed's work focus for the past dozen years. She asks about each worker and their job.)

Later, much later, I take her home. I am a bit reminded of a book I just read to her (Katie Morag Delivers the Mail). It's about a girl who lives on one of the islands of Scotland and she is asked to deliver packages on the island because her parents are dealing with a baby at home who requires some fortitude and attention. (Yep, my girls had that book when they were young -- I was a big fan of Katie Morag's spunkiness and of course of Scotland!) After spending an afternoon with grandma (there's a whole story in this too, but never mind that now), Katie comes back to a calm house where the parents are tickled to see her and her baby brother is all serenity and smiles for once. Sparrow can't smile just yet, but I'm sure he will be returning Snowdrop's big grins ever so soon -- they are very contagious!
As for garden work -- yes, I struggled with some replanting this morning.
And I admired the pinks this evening.

Much, much later, Ed steps out and finds a welcoming committee. They all want treats.

Ed never says no to those who depend on him for love and treats.
I adore the welcoming committee.