You know we have regrading taking place on the lands all around us in preparation for a new development. The noise only gets worse each day. Ed agrees to eat breakfast outside, but the rumble is so loud, that all we can talk about is the effect of loud sound on personality disorders.

Soon after, I meet up with Snowdrop and her mom: we are attending an open house at the little one's school, oh, excuse me -- camp.

She has nothing but grins and smiles all morning long. Indeed, she is the very last one to leave the open house.

Her mom returns home to Sparrow, Snowdrop and I head out for a lunch out at a coffee shop we used to frequent oh so often when she was way younger.
No high chair today.

I time it so that just after 1pm, we are at her beloved community pool. We nearly lived here last year! She wasn't quite swimming, but she loved every minute of her splashes, jumps, games and water shenanigans.
I am so surprised that this year is different. This girl, who just spent an hour jumping gallantly off the steps at her school, is suddenly tentative and reserved.

The smile comes back only when we go (at her insistence) to the playground by the pool.

But the pool -- well, the girl's grown and she knows that life isn't always easy or kind. She holds back.
We have a summer of pool work ahead of us.
At the farm, she discovers the refreshed, scrubbed and ready toys and bouncy things that only a young infant could enjoy.
Well, a young infant and Snowdrop.

She is excited to show her brother all the "new" stuff, but the hour is late and her brother passes through only momentarily, in a car seat, like this:

Evening. Ed is biking, the young family has gone home. I walk the farmette lands, noting the strange alliances that exist here...

The flowers are getting ready for the big show -- summer. Right now, phlox is starting to puff out, as is the yarrow...

The air is summer lovely. Snowdrop had said, during our walk -- I love the smell right now! I agree. Every last whiff of fresh sweet air is total heaven. Winter cold seems years away.
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