Sunday, August 20, 2006

I can't believe I ate the whole thing...

If you let me off until tomorrow, I promise to post pictures and stories on butter, husks, salt, liberally covering many ears of corn at the all-American summer fest celebrating this, well, vegetable.

I know you’re willing to wait another day. I know it. Here, I have a teaser:

summer 06 693
where am I and what am I doing??


  1. Having been born and raised in Madison....... this is too easy.

    You are at the Sun Prairie Corn Festival.

    I haven't gone in years......I remember the salt shakers, tied with string, hanging from the tent rafters.

  2. -ears of corn need to be soaked for at least 12 hours in water, fully submerged,if they are intended for the grill. Traditionally, a good 4" of the stock are left on to serve as handles, after peeling the husk down. Think of a corn cone - once the charred husks are peeled down, molten butter with salt and pepper in it is applied with a brush, lavishly.... YUM YUM. Beer consumed with corn in this manner should be ice-cold, to point of freezing.

  3. Thanks for the memories. In 1975 I road my beat up old Schwinn bike out to Sun Prairie and one of the finest days. It was very authentic "folk" event entirely without pretense. And the corn was the best. It looks like you biked there, which is the way to go, arriving hot, sweaty, thirsty and famished.


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