Tuesday, August 26, 2008

a half a shed (is better than none)

As if to balance the recent urban presence in Ocean posts, this day is rural to the core.

First: I went early to the farmette to check on the state of the crops. Perhaps this word (“crops”) overstates what Ed and I planted back in May. But when you put in more than three dozen tomato plants and you’re basically a city person, you think of yourself as being quite the farmer.

The tomatoes are doing fine, in a lazy sort of way. Ed, ever the minimalist, doesn’t stake. So the tomato field looks like a beach with plump beings who forgot the sunscreen.

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Buy print 1992

Next, there are the fields of cosmos. The truth is that a packet of seeds will NOT create fields of anything. But, the flowers that finally budded, while limited in number, are magnificent.

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Buy print 1991

And finally – a progress report on the Writer’s Shed Project. Today, Amos & friend hauled the skeletal structure to Ed’s place.

It took them three hours to plomp the thing into the place and there were casualties along the way.

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Inside, there is nothing. We are to fill the interior with walls, floors, lighting fixtures. Water, if Ed thinks of a way to run it in (not likely). Projected date of completion? I do not know. Maybe never?

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Buy print 1990


  1. Wow! Looking good! What's that weird little high-up window all about?

  2. Yup. Cool shed.
    Peanuts and a fridge/cooler and a cot and an occasional grizzled visitor are all you need. Last year's calender would be good, too.

  3. Oh oh my, you sly one! It's a HOUSE!

  4. LOVE IT!!!!!!! Now I want one.


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